Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Sdlc Final Project free essay sample

Cost- the cost will include the process in data materials and supplies. Constraints- Address any problems that may affect the project through the implementation process. Risk- Identify any risk that may occur during or after the project. The Goals of the Project – The goal will be to create documentations for the development of a patient management system. The system should be designed for all patients to be documented confidentially, wait time for procedures should be limited or punctual, and patients should be checked on for security reasons. Supporting Measures for Success Patton-Fuller Community Hospital needs more unified patient experience and seeks an evaluation for the development of a patient management system to track patient check-ins, appointments, and surgeries. Physical measures are to determine the virtual degree of success, which includes improved reduced wait times, and improved patient satisfaction scores. The RPMS system is a selection of hardware, software, telecommunications components that are designed to work together or independently depending on the specific need (Resource and patient management system, n. d. ). The RPMS system not only works within its own resources it also has the capabilities of linking with other software programs to enhance the users experience. The patient management system will benefit the health care providers by allowing them access to all facets of the patient’s current and upcoming visits. The RPMS software has a administrative category is used to put together patient demographics, schedule appointments, check-in patients, discharge patients, and transfer patients to other departments or facilities within the health care system (Resource and patient management system, n. . ). The data captured in this application can be to evaluate and improve quality of patient care (Resource and patient management system, n. d. ). The RPMS administrative functions will provide the ability to track supplies and resources through electronic management that could provide substantial cost savings to the organization. The administrative application has the option to create ins urance claims, compile manual billings, conduct electronic billing statements, and track accounts receivables making it an efficient investment for the company (Resource and patient management system, n. . ). The RPMS is a system that can grow with the organizations future needs without the need for a complete restructuring of the system. The software applications can be interfaced with a large variety of software programs, the hardware has adaptable scalability, and the networking options are limitless (Resource and patient management system, n. d. ). The RPMS offers the ability to meet the demand for quality patient care and options that can improve the overall performance of Fuller-Patton Community Hospital. Senior management will have access to reports on financial aspects and patient care trends in the community. Health care providers can obtain reports on patient status and administrative personnel will have access to billing, account receivable information, and current and historical hospital census data at the click of the key board (Resource and patient management system, n. d. ). Summary of project feasibility The team was recruited for the purpose of analyzing existing work flow processes and to determine the feasibility of system improvements versus implementing a new patient management system (PMS). Evaluation of the current system revealed deficiencies in productivity, quality of care issues, redundancy errors, and inadequate outputs—specifically with statistical reporting. Additionally, user interviews revealed inadequacies with user interfaces. Analysis of business processes suggest inappropriate usage human resources for tasks which are more effectively completed by automation. After completion of analyses processes, it was determined that the existing system lacked the functionality needed to adequately accomplish the task at the desired level. Therefore, a new system is recommended—goals for which include improvements to the following: user interfaces, functionality, report generation, accessibility, error reduction, and quality of care. Despite the initial investment, the project is deemed feasible because the overall benefits far-outweigh the associated costs. That is, quality of care improvements yield widespread positive effects throughout the organization and allow it to remain competitive within its local marketplace. Current Business Process Summary Proposed system requirement list The service-request ph-001 for the Patton-Fuller Community Hospital and it is for a system that will track the patient check-in, appointments, and surgery. They need a customized solution capable of growing and shifting with the practice over time. Master Patient Index * Keeps a unique identifier for each patient * Mapped to multiple medical records if needed Scheduling * User friendly screens with flexibility and control * Intuitive and straight forward scheduling, viewing, and navigating * . Verify patient eligibility electronically and prevent revenue loss * Collect co-pay and patient balance Manage and track appointment requirements by visit type * Tracking of patient flow from check-in and through multiple stages of care Surgery * Surgery scheduling module provides complete out-of-office procedure and surgery scheduling functionality * Surgical and out-of-office-procedure appointments interact with compliance rules for tracking the compliance rules for tracking the completeness of documentation and regulatory compliance * Communicate with hospitals and surgery facilities Revenue Management Comprehensive patient accounting, billing and collection system * Design to increase clinic cash flow by improving the quality and efficiency of operation and workflow * Fully manage receivables, collections, and bad debt * Generates electronic patient statement resulting in cost saving in paper supplies, and printer costs Determination of Requirements The requirements of the proposed patient management system were strong-minded through a top-down method of analysis that first determined the scope of the problem and then identified the details of the problem (Satzinger, Jackson, amp; Burd, 2009). The project team used the habitual method in analyzing the system requirements and will use the same method in the design process to establish the requirements needed to meet the user’s needs. When determining the planning and software required in the development of the system we looked at how the system are used such as remote access, manual applications, and how the system will support these different applications (Satzinger, Jackson, amp; Burd, 2009). The following step in the determination of requirements is determining the user interfaces required and defining how the user will be interacting with the patient management system (Satzinger, Jackson, amp; Burd, 2009). The interfacing requirements will fluctuate by each user type in regards to the level of access and functionality the user will need. The administrative users will require access via standard PCs and physicians and nurses may require access via a PC, smart phone, and a personal digital assistant (PDA). Then the project team must decide the design of the interface in regards to the look and action (check boxes, data entry fields, and drop down selections, mouse interaction, and sound, video, and voice commands) of the screens (Satzinger, Jackson, amp; Burd, 2009). The response time required by the users is developed in the technical phase of the interface design process. The determination of the system controls needed to protect the data integrity and to safeguard the organizations assets is completed as the inal design activity (Satzinger, Jackson, amp; Burd, 2009). The user-interfaced controls define the user’s access, the system interface controls protect the system from other systems, application controls monitor transaction processing, and data controls protect the data from unauthorized user access (Satzinger, Jackson, amp; Burd, 2009). The final control is the network control which ensures that communications are protected within the system (Satzinger, Jackson, amp; Bu rd, 2009). Confirmed Requirements The mandatory system requirements are as follows: * System security detection and protection * System operational on PCs and portable electronic devices * Server components written in Java * System communication interaction using CORBA * Simultaneous viewing of patient information by multiple users * System auto-updates state and federal requirements * System generates alerts for missing or errors in patient information * System generates patient wait list * System monitors hospital census for bed availability System regulates physician and nurse patient assignments * System monitors physician and nurse department assignments * System auto-assigns patients to departments based on diagnosis, medical needs, or bed availability * System manages surgery schedules to avoid over-booking There are currently no optional requirements designated by the project team as all requirements of the system are needed to ensure the needs of the users are met. Proposed Systems Requirement List Now at Patton-Fuller Community Hospital, they want to make a more cohesive experience for patients. Therefore, it is important that all the system requirements are user friendly for patient and meet user requirements. Particularly, this system should abolish scheduling issues and keep a record of patient visits. This consists of keeping track of patient check-in, appointments, and surgery. Beneath is a list of the system requirements. Patton-Fuller Community Hospital’s patient management system needs the capability to: * Identify security/data breaches Operate on portable and desktop personal computers (PC) running the Windows operating system and using Internet Explorer * Server components are to be written in Java and communicate with one another using component interaction standards such as Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) * Be collaborative to allow viewing at the same time of patient demographics and medical charts. * Collect patient data requirements * C ollect state requirements * Collect federal requirements * Collect generic data requirements * Determine design specifications * Identify application requirements Construct interface design * Administer the waiting list keep an eye on to see if there are any patients waiting for available beds and assigning them to doctors and beds once these become available * Required to schedule patient according to the following physicians cannot be schedule to work a area and operate at the same time * Patient scheduling assigning nurses and doctors to patients * Admissions admitting patients and assigning the patients to appropriate area * Surgery Management ensure no double booking Functional Requirements * Registration: add patients and assign ID Consultation: add area and assign to waiting list * Medical matter management: assign doctor, assign nurse, inform doctors, inform nurses, generate patient status reports hourly * System Database: include patient mandatory information (example- first name, last name, phone number, etc. ), allow users to update patient information, allow user to search for patient * Web-based application Non-Functional Requirements * Security: Patient identification and log on ID for users * Alteration any Alteration shall be done by the administrator in the department * Compliance The system must comply with the Regional Health Authority Regulations * Performance: Response time – one minute response time after checking patient’s information * Availability shall be available all the time * Capacity must support 1000 people at a time * User interface screen must respond with 5 seconds * Submission Must match Microsoft accessibility guidelines * Maintainability – Back-up system, error log * Consistency Proposed system process view The proposed implementation for the hospital is to increase customer satisfaction and to ensure the confidentiality of all patients. Through the process of a patient check in time and through the order of process that one must go through will be the catalyst of the improvement. These proposed processes will allow one to be successful in the improvement of the hospital. will now follow these steps: * Functional allocation modeling * Each of these proposed process will ensure that the Patton-Fuller Hospital will have a greater success than their past. It is normal during the analysis that more requirements and needs can reasonably be included into the processes. Through carefully prioritizing and planning each process can be carefully implemented and risk can be eliminated for a greater success rate in the effectiveness of the patient care. Logical system model Working on a project for Patton-Fuller Community Hospital, they want an evaluation for the development of a patient management system to track patient check-ins, appointments, and surgeries. The RPMS system is a selection of hardware, software, telecommunications components that are design to work together or independently depending on the specific need Preliminary design model Design trade-off approach the To accomplish intended goals of the project, several considerations must be made. Chiefly, the project must be delivered within the scope as described by stakeholders. Secondly, considerations such as associated costs, desired performance levels, and scheduling constraints must be evaluated. While upgrades to the existing system represent the lowest expense, this approach would not address the need for process and work flow reorganization. Additionally, the inherent scheduling and cost benefits do not justify this option. Consequently, it is advisable to forgo usage of the existing system in favor of implementing a new system. Designing the new system with new components is recommended because existing components lack the functionality, speed, and performance needed to automate many of the needed tasks under the newly designed work flow design. It also lacks the capacity needed to organize and store the amounts of data needed for report generation. Therefore, in lieu of a less costly, time-wise approach of overhauling the existing system, the more costly, yet more efficient new system will be implemented. Physical system model (Stacey) Testing Process Summary The System testing stage operates an important function in the software development cycle. The strategy for input must contain an application overview that will be tested in respect to its scope, functionality, criticality, and complexity. All specifications have to be met to mollify the stakeholders. Documents associated with the baseline application such as requirement, function, and design specification documentation should be included. Test scripts used consist of multiple test events that will include checkpoints, instructions, and results that are expected. Standards and procedures should include organizational, technical and client/stakeholder level standards and procedures that remain uniform. The tools and techniques used to establish the patient management system for Patton-Fuller Community Hospital are most important as well. Discussions held with major stakeholders to collect information is essential. A walkthrough of the application is a necessity as well as reviewing the documentation of baseline and test-ware ease. Substantiation has been established with the imposed model correlated with the system testing stage. The output phase of testing functions remains consistent with the strategy documentation. The strategy document are updated constantly throughout the entirety of the project and is made up of several sectors. Risk management is an intricate part of the testing process, which is also continual throughout the lifecycle of the project. Team C has used qualitative analysis, quantitative analysis, and has established a risk response plan as well as a team associated with monitoring and controlling identified risks. Testing are performed to assure all aspects of the project have been held up to the standards and expectations of the client and stakeholders, is within the budget that was established, and remains in the timeline determine by the client and stakeholders. The testing stage is a critical part of the quality and assurance plan and this stage of the project was implemented with the appropriate labor and tools needed to complete the assessment for Patton-Fuller Community Hospital. This section of the software development cycle takes up 30% of the completed process for the implementation of a system. Installation process and training plan summary (1st Section) Installation process has a priority in the development of any implementation. The overall job must be critically planned and data should be collected. The installation process will be developed from a group of individuals that has been setting meetings and analyzing the risks and the non-risks. The time to implement should not be longer than a week in order to keep the budget of training at a minimum and the costs of supplies at a standard. Each individual will be responsible for delivering feedback to ensure proper protocol for the hospital. Resources should be the knowledge of the system, the data that was acquired from stakeholders, and also the tools to carry the implementation in a positive direction. From this basic type of collecting and analyzing data one can come to the second stage of implementation that includes the method. Installation process and training plan summary (2nd Section) Installation, as with all aspects of the development process will be done in accordance with a structured methodology. Despite the inherent constraints—namely time, budget, and resources, in order to ensure a successful installation, this phase must adhere to the established standards. That being said, in consideration of time, the following schedule has been developed. Installation has an allotted timeframe of four business days and will take place on a department by department basis. By incrementally installing the system, the team will be able to identify any final issues that need to be addressed. Training will take place as installation is completed—in a similar department by department method. That is, as the system is installed in department one, training will begin for members of that department. This method of staggering training by department will lead to an overall allotment of five to six days of training which will exceed the installation allotment by two days—minimizing the number of days the development team will be needed on-site. This methodology will address the time and resource constraints of the project as external human and financial resources will be applied for shorter periods of times. Additionally, shut down of the existing system is limited and done in smaller increments. Documentation plan summary Systems Documentation: * Information needed for the ongoing maintenance and operation of the computer system * Structured for the technical systems professional Examples: technical diagrams, flow charts, database management structures, etc. User Documentation: * Easy to read (step by step) instructions for using the application system * Structured for non-systems professional It is important to keep clear and factual documents, because the maintenance staff will have to learn system, because the original system developers will have moved on to other new development projects. Also so the system development staff can add to the models to incorporate new aspects to the system. User documentation is to reduce the number of problem telephone calls that the developer receives from the customers and to minimize the amount of the new system training needed. Support and Maintenance Plan Summary Provide a plan outlining the responsibilities and resources necessary to support and maintain the proposed system, such as software, hardware, and networks. It is good practice to have documentation about your computing environment, have procedures in place and thoughts around other areas such as disaster recovery. I t is also important to have a backup person to go to if your main IT person is not around. Start with a description of your current infrastructure: * Inventory all equipment * Make a list of vendors contact data and account numbers * Create a detail network map Make a list of tools and applications you are currently use and what they do * Document any special configuration Maintenance Procedures: * Start a log book for keeping records of all activities * Set a time (downtime) when you can take the network down. Example: last Friday of the month from 1am to 3am Sever Maintenance * Check Hardware clean when necessary (machines, cables, switches, battery backup) * Review lo gs for errors. * Run MS Baseline Security * Make sure Antivirus protection up to date * Disk cleanup and Defrag. Updates: Install only during downtime. Before running updates make sure you back up the machine. Plan ahead with what updates you need to run (Microsoft, Firmware and other utilities) References Apollo Group, Inc. (2011). Patton-Fuller Community Hospital. Virtual Organizations Portal. Retrieved from BSA/376 – Systems Analysis and Design course website. Apollo Group, Inc. (2011). Patton-Fuller Community Hospital. Service Requests – Virtual Organizations Portal. Retrieved from BSA/376 – Systems Analysis and Design course website.

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